Vacation in Germany – Week 1

After Labor Day weekend, Franzi flew out to Madison on Tuesday evening and the week nights were mostly consumed by preparations for our upcoming two-week vacation at home in Germany. Besides packing, we spent most of the time with planning where we must be when in Germany and also getting some presents for friends and family. Overall the time in Germany won’t really be a vacation since we have a bunch of family celebrations and travel back and forth, but we’re excited to see our friends and family and be back in good old Germany.

On the flight back to New York via Chicago Franzi enjoyed some Frontera food, a branch of the famous Mexican-style restaurant in Chicago by Rick Bayless. Besides a “normal” working week, Alex spent Thursday night at the season final of The Moto Social events. Also the 9/11 tribute lights have returned to NYC and were visible from any place in the city.

The Moto Social Season Finale in Little Italy
The 9/11 tribute lights in the background

On Friday we finished up everything for work and left for the airport in the afternoon with pouring rain. We made it to Newark and departed on time to Copenhagen and from there onward to Hamburg.

Ready to leave the East Village
Finishing the last ToDo’s before getting into “flight mode”

We were more than happy that we made it in time because we had to be at the wedding of Franzi’s cousin within four hours after touchdown in Hamburg. Unfortunately, we had to realize that our luggage didn’t make it. So, there we stood at the airport, pretty desperate without proper attire for the wedding. We debated back and forth if we should buy something in Hamburg, but ultimately decided to take a lucky shot and hope for Lukas and Eileen’s (Franzi’s brother and his girlfriend) spare clothes to fit. Alex luckily got scolded for a heavy suitcase in Newark, so he took his suits out last minute. At least something! Franzi ended up with a fitting dress and shoes from Eileen and jewelry from her mother. Alex had his own suit and was able to borrow shoes and a dress shirt from Lukas and a tie matching Franzi’s dress from her father. We bought some last pieces like socks and a belt in the city and off we went to the wedding – luckily everything worked out after all.

The entire family ready to celebrate!
Lukas and the latest addition to the broader family
The freshly married couple

The wedding ceremony took place in a church in Rotenburg and afterwards we went to the dinner and party location Landschof’s in Kirchwalsede. It was great to spend some quality time with the braoder family and we met the newest family member as well! After a rather short night, we enjoyed the Sunday at home until we left to go (back) to Hamburg in the afternoon. There we visited one of Alex’s best friends Eike for the night. Our former roommate and very good friend from Berlin – Fabian – also made his way to Hamburg so we could all see each other! We had a Greek dinner at Oniro and had a lot to catch up on!

Great to spend some quality time with Eike and Fabian

Later Fabi left, and Eike, Franzi and Alex took a walk along the Alster  in Winterhude, one of Hamburg’s bougier areas with impressive houses. Being back in Hamburg made the cultural differences very clear, which was an interesting experience. After a sleepover at Eike’s place we said goodbye and headed to the city to meet one of Franzi’s best friends, Nicola. We had a hot drink together, caught up and did some birthday gift shopping for Lukas. Afterwards, we picked up our luggage that was delivered directly to Eike in Hamburg and got onto a train to Hannover.

Alex’s brother Constantin lives there with his girlfriend Charlotte and we wanted to spend a night at their place. After we caught up and got settled in at their place, we headed out to Francesca-Fratelli for some pizza and white wine.

Stopover in Hannover with Constantin and Charlotte

We had another sleepover at their place and a delicious breakfast the next morning. Afterwards we all hopped into the car to drive to Alex’s hometown and family – the metropolis Barntrup, about an hour away from Hannover.

Delicious breakfast in Hannover

The days in Barntrup were pretty relaxed – we did a couple of bike tours, Franzi outperformed Alex’s brother in an air rifle duel, visited some of Alex’s old friends and their kids, and spent some time in the cities around.

Lookout from an old windmill in Barntrup
Bicycle tour in nature
Two highly concentrated opponents
Mountain Bike Tour
Also Muecke was happy to have Alex back at home
Buying some fresh ingredients for our BBQ at the market in Detmold
Detmold’s castle

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Richard – another very good friend of Alex. He came all the way from Braunschweig to see us, which was awesome. We ended the week with Alex’s Grandmothers birthday and all family in the house.

Dinner with friends and family
Two happy fellows – Alex and his grandmother after a few Gin & Tonics
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