The day we found “home”

Saturday was the first day we kind of „took off“ – late morning we visited one of Alex’s best friends – Fabian – who lives on the Upper West Side. He moved to NYC roughly three years ago. Alex and Fabian basically spent their entire Bachelor and Master studies together. We then made our way back to the East Village where we scheduled a couple of viewings on our own. 

The last of these viewings was a lovely apartment in the East Village. The broker arrived on a Harley Davidson Roadster, wore a Bellstaff Jacket and had a cap from DEUS (motorbiking „gear“) – a match made in heaven as Alex loves motorbiking. It didn’t take long for Martin and Alex to get along. We loved the apartment in a charming brownstone building with a lot of light, newly renovated and a brick stone wall. Basically everything we had wished for – so we rushed home to put in an application. In the morning we could only see one of five open listings in the building. Later the day Martin called us to show us the other units in the building and we decided to go for the top one facing the courtyard with a lot of green and even birds chirping, which is rare in New York City. 

After everything was sorted, we met Alex’s friend Fabi again, had a coffee and went to Ten Degrees – a bar Alex and his friends always visited back in the days when spending time in New York while they studied in the US to revive some memories.

Since we were starving, we had some NY 99 Cent Pizza as a mini snack and some hours later went to Zyara to enjoy an awesome Kebab, almost as good as in Berlin, as a bigger snack. 

We ended the day at the Upper East Side where we met Fabi’s girlfriend Rene, strolled around and had some Tapas at the Spanish restaurant Boqueria. In summary a day full of highlights – not only culinary ones. 

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