Sunday at the park

If you are ever asked yourself where you should go for camera and technical equipment, go to B&H Electronics! This store really has it all. Funnily enough, even staff from our camera shop Foto Meyer in Berlin recommended us to go here! The store has an old charm and great service – we went to get a new lense for Alex’s camera and found a 35mm prime lense (some details for the camera aficionados here).

Afterwards, we made it over to Prospect Park in Brooklyn where we met Lisa, a friend of Franziska from back home. We visited the Smogarsburg food market, had a little lunch and took a walk around the park.

Smogarsburg Food market #1
Smogarsburg Food market #2
Freshly cut coconuts
Food from various countries

After a café visit we took off to go home and ended our Sunday with a home-cooked meal. 

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