Spring! Another sunny (foody) weekend with Charly & Con

Being in the same city for work for the first time

The first work week of 2020 began with Franzi being in Madison and Alex flying out to Chicago. Now we were finally lucky. Franzi had to be in Chicago for an event on Tuesday, so she traveled there Monday afternoon and we could finally meet up. We had a nice dinner together at Avli and enjoyed some Greek treats.

Delicious Greek (inspired) dinner at Avli in Chicago
This view never gets boring: Flying into Newark

On Tuesday, Franzi supported the Kearney Kellogg Business School Student Lab – an initiative where we support students in a consulting project with a real client. Once we were both back in New York on Thursday evening, we were greeted by Charly & Con who even cooked us a veggie stew. What a welcome!

Friday was quite an exciting day for our firm. We re-branded from A.T. Kearney to Kearney and launched a completely new design and image. The day was filled with inspiring talks, fun activities to familiarize ourselves with the new brand, and battling each other to get the best LinkedIn post.

Alex and Con did a pretty good job, with this photoshopped brand relaunch picture

In the evening we were invited over to a colleague who lives just a few houses away from our place in the same street. We had a “Feierabend” drink (after work drink), before we went to a New York dinner institution: Momofuku Noddle Bar for some great Ramen and Brisket. Also the garlic noodles that come with the brisket are truly outstanding and way more than just a side dish.

Dinner at Momofuku Noodle Bar

Weekend #2 with Charly & Con

On Saturday we visited Williamsburg and the southern part of Bushwick. We explored the neighborhood, including a vintage market. We walked over to Williamsburg via the Williamsburg Bridge, which offers some nice views of the Brooklyn and Manhattan shore. After strolling through Domino Park, we met up with Alex’s friend Fabi and shared a drink at Gran Torino.

Con and Charly
It was as warm as it looks! Spring time in January
Views from Williamsburg Bridge – street art
Domino Park
Views from Domino Park to Manhattan
Normally not a fan of sweet treats: Con goes for a soft ice
A nice flower shop in Williamsburg
Vintage market in an empty floor of a newly built development
Meeting Fabi at Gran Torino

On our way home, to satisfy another craving of Con, we stopped by at Dan & John’s Wings for an Appetizer of guess what – Chicken Wings. After some time to digest, we cooked a nice Israeli inspired dish: lentils with roasted eggplant, cherry tomatoes and yoghurt. The recipe was out of the cookbook we got from Con and Charly: Simple from Ottolenghi.

Let’s call it Cheat Weekend
Craving veggies

Another day of Spring

On Sunday, it was surprisingly warm for mid-January, around 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit). We kicked off the day with a breakfast with fresh fruits at home, got into spring clothes and took a walk through the East Village to Tomkins Square Park where we bought some fresh veggies for our planned dinner.

Delicious and healthy breakfast at home
A sunny day in January
Looking South on first Avenue while walking over to Tomkins Square Park
Street art by Stick
Last signs of Christmas

The $1 Pizza Dilemma

On this day, Con got himself into kind of a dilemma. During the week he started a $1 New York Pizza challenge. This meant, he had to eat one slice of cheese pizza at every $1 pizza he saw. So far, that meant one or two slices of pizza per day. On this particular day however, we passed MANY $1 pizza shops. Probably around 10 until we reached our original lunch destination, Katz’s Delicatessen. This meant more food, and if you know this place, you know a pastrami sandwich is not small. Con was struggling pretty hard but also didn’t want to give up the challenge, which caused quite a bit of comedy for all of us. Unfortunately for Con, there was one more $1 Pizza shop after lunch. This time he ordered his Pizza To-Go. Surprisingly, after doing some apartment cleaning and getting Constantin and Charly’s luggage ready for departure we were (a little) hungry again and prepared some light veggies in the oven for dinner.

A bet with himself – having a $1 Pizza at every shop…
…not the smartest idea in the Lower East Side
Good Humor – all you can do.
Katz’s Girls
Katz’s Boys
To-go was also accepted

In summary, a weekend full of culinary highlight and lot’s of walking to offset the calories!

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