Signing our lease!

We started off our Monday with a tasty and relaxed breakfast at MUD Cafe in the East Village. During the morning we got the great info that our application for the apartment was accepted and we can get it! We were super happy and had an appointment to sign the lease at 3:00pm. 

At Cafe MUD

Before, we explored the Washington Square park, we had our first lunch from a food truck at the Madison Square Park with a view on the flatiron building and just did some people watching end enjoyed the sun. 

Kids playing with soap bubbles at Washington Square Park

Afterwards we signed our lease agreement with Martin. Everything went smoothly. With that, we found an apartment within six days after our arrival, which was great. One of the reasons is surely that there was quite a lot of inventory on the market at the time we were looking, but we also heard multiple times that we were the most organized and well prepared people moving to New York, people (e.g. our broker, our Airbnb host) had ever seen – well I guess we are very German after all. 

From there, we walked along the 5th Avenue all the way to central park and rested a bit at The Pond (an actual pond). Since we were craving some frozen yoghurt, we made a little detour to Times Square where we could satisfy our craving and then walked all the way back to the East Village. Funnily enough we met a former fellow student of Franziska on the street. We spent the night with our Airbnb host Ranita, ate some spicy aglio e olio and watched reality TV to emerge ourselves into American culture.

Views on the Empire State Building
Passing Times Square on our way to get some FroYo
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