Shopping in all dimensions

We shipped quite some furniture from Germany to the US but we left a couple of essentials at home, as we knew they would be too big for a New York apartment. So we decided to dedicate the cloudy day to finding some furniture for our new place.

Since Alex is really big into motorcycles and Franziska also just got her license in November, we started the day off with a visit of the Ducati Dealership in Tribeca, had a bagel for breakfast and then took an Uber to Ikea in Brooklyn.

Even though many people don’t, Franzi likes walking around Ikea and looking at all the different options. We found a bed we liked, not only due to its storage options (which you need in NYC!!) and started a list with items we potentially need. We also thought of downsizing and tried some furniture in the children’s department.

Thinking to compromise at IKEA

Since it was close, we afterwards took an Uber to the Triumph dealership in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We looked at a couple of bikes and Franziska actually really liked one of the bikes, the Street Twin, and started to make comparisons to the Ducatis seen earlier in the morning. Besides its look the bike was also a great fit.

Perfect fit – Triumph Street Twin

Alex fell in love with the new Scrambler 1200 XE, mainly due to its massive size. Back at home, we did a “work session” answering E-Mails and organizing some stuff and then we had a lovely dinner at Mughlai, a cozy Indian restaurant with a very friendly owner and delicious Naan located on the Lower Eastside.

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