Officially starting to work in NYC

Now our first official work week has arrived – we really enjoyed our time off, getting settled in and exploring the city, but we were also looking forward to some routine (to the extent the consultant jobs gives you routine, which is not a lot in a good way!) and new challenges.

We spent our first week in New York, getting some administrative to-do’s out of the way and supporting colleagues with business development. This was a great way to meet people in the office and adjust to the new working culture. Our firm has a unique culture across the globe, but of course every country operates a bit differently and has unique qualities.

And this is exactly what we came to the US for, to learn about and explore a new culture, working style and lifestyle for ourselves. In the evenings, we organized a couple more things around the apartment and explored our neighborhood. We accidentally found a sweet dog café called Boris and Horton, where owners can bring their dogs into the café, which is usually not allowed in New York. We had a super fun time watching the dogs play and just being around some furry friends.

Funny and weird – a dog cafe

As expected the first days at work passed by super fast!

Later that week on Thursday, Alex went to a motorcycle event The Moto Social New York to meet some fellow bikers and get some tips around riding in and outside of the city, garages and transferring your license (which is a true pain, but we will elaborate on that in another post).

The Moto Social at Irving Farm
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