Moving day!

Monday was our big moving day – we went to Target (a large supermarket comparable to Real in Germany) first thing in the morning to get everything we needed for cleaning. We wanted to make sure that everything is neat and clean before welcoming our 70 (!) boxes. The moving company (and we) were very efficient so it did not take long until we had everything upstairs.

Moving in the sunshine
Back in Germany the truck that picked up our goods looked more impressive

However, it did take some sweat of the moving guys to bring everything up on the fifth floor without an elevator. For the rest of the day we unpacked, sorted, moved things around and unpacked some more. To make things more complicated and crowded at some point we also had our bed delivered.

Some order and storage space!

This was the moment when we first asked ourselves, why we brought all this (unnecessary) things – to mention a few: large paintings, a guitar, inline skates or a CHRISTMAS TREE STAND. These items definitely posed a challenge to fit into our apartment. Well, it’s never too late to learn right? Now we know for our next move! We had lunch right next to our apartment at Dunhuang and a classic moving-in Sandwich from Subway since we were still missing kitchen equipment to warm anything up.

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