Heartshaped Pizza!

One more time, for the last time for this project, Franzi went on her way to California. To close off the good work, her and her colleague went for a team event and got a pedicure.

Meanwhile Alex was in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a full-week workshop for his project. It was freezing cold at -25 degree Celsius (-13 degree Fahrenheit). We both got back to New York on Thursday, just in time to spend Valentine’s day in the big city. Just in time, because Alex had a rough journey home: After boarding the plane about one hour delayed, the captain explained that one of the cargo doors was frozen and could not be closed. After about 1.5 hours of waiting for a technician, all passengers were asked to de-board the plane. Luckily, Alex was able to quickly book another flight and made it out of Minneapolis about 3 hours later than originally planned.

Flying into freezing cold Minneapolis

Valentine’s day in NYC

After coming home from the office on Friday, Alex surprised Franzi with some beautiful thistles and tickets for the opening weekend of the “Edge”. It’s the highest outdoor sky deck in the Western Hemisphere, on top of one of the Hudson Yards buildings. It’s suspended in mid-air, supposedly giving you a feeling of floating with a 360-degree view of the city. In the evening, we ordered Pizza from our favorite neighborhood Pizza place Motorino, drank a tasty Sloop IPA and watched the second part of the Rom-Com “To all the boys I’ve love before” on Netflix. Our pizza came in a heart shape which was matching our cheesy movie perfectly.

Valentine’s day dinner

On Saturday, Franzi took over a volunteering shift with Muddy Paws. There were so many puppies this day (cuteness overload) and luckily many of them found a forever home!

Alex is waiting for the day Franzi can not resist and brings a puppy home

On Sunday, we prepared for a dinner with our friends Mark and Elena. Franzi made a flat bread and we prepared a cheese platter for starters. For entree we made a risotto with roasted pork and asparagus. Accompanied with a couple of Negronis this was a perfect dinner experience. Then we went for a walk around the neighborhood and showed them our motorcycles. Back in the apartment we had Crepes Suzette with citrus for desert and ended the weekend very content!

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