Getting back into consulting routine

On Monday we dove right into our second work week. Alex and I were both staffed on projects right away. I flew out to St. Louis, Missouri and Alex boarded a plane to Detroit.

Quick breakfast at the airport lounge
Flying into Detroit
Views from our Detroit / Southfield office
The weather in St. Louis looks more attractive

Other than getting settled into the project, Franzi’s team planned a great team event – we went to SkyZone, a trampoline park and bounced around, which was super fun. On Thursday, we were invited to a German Asparagus Gala Dinner organized by the German American Chambers of Commerce by one of our partners, for which Lufthansa always imports huge amounts of German white asparagus. Franzi could not make it due to project obligations, but Alex joined and met some very interesting people and enjoyed a little piece of Germany.

The White Asparagus Gala Dinner 2019

Friday was another day in the New York Office. We decided to shift some of our work to Saturday to take a motorcycle safety course on Friday (early) morning. Another interesting element on the journey to a US NY state license, but more about that in our separate post.

At the motorcycle safety course
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