First Advent and drastic weather changes

The next work week began with bad flight luck – AGAIN. Franzi’s flight on Monday evening was cancelled after a 4 hour wait at the airport due to a pretty intense snowstorm. This meant getting home at midnight & then finishing up some Christmas packages for the family in Germany. After 2.5 hours of sleep, she took off to Chicago at 5 AM on Tuesday morning and drove to Madison for 2.5 hours from there.

…rather chilly weather in NYC

On Thursday, it was back to Chicago for Franzi. She had a team meeting and event. After a nice dinner at TAO on Thursday night, Friday was filled with Whirlyball and Bowling. Whirlyball is a rather weird (but fun) “sport” which is kind of like playing lacrosse with bumper cars.

The entrance to the TAO
Not your everyday restaurant

Back in New York, we started off Saturday with a visit to the Guggenheim Museum. The architecture is truly inspiring, from the inside and the outside. “Artistic License: Six Takes on the Guggenheim Collection” was the first-ever artist-curated exhibition by Cai Guo-Qiang, Paul Chan, Jenny Holzer, Julie Mehretu, Richard Prince, and Carrie Mae Weems. The exhibition was wonderfully diverse and had a good size without being overwhelming.

Our first visit to the Guggenheim Museum

The famous Guggenheim Museum
A really unique architecture also on the inside
Paintings made with gunpowder from Cai Guo-Qiang
Walking up the exhibition

Afterwards we strengthened ourselves with a tasty “Stulle” (brad with cheese and air-dried ham) from Schaller & Weber, a German butcher.

A proper Stulle!

On Sunday we invited some friends over for coffee and cake to celebrate the first advent. Therefore the day was spent with baking of advent cake, cookies and comfy conversations.

1st Advent in NYC

Celebrating the first advent with friends

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