Compensating lack of space with clever storage!

Tuesday was another day of sorting and organizing. We went to our apartment early to get measurements from the built-in closets. The challenge was to find a storage solution that allows to utilize space as efficiently as possible. Therefore, we visited the Container Store, which is an organization-obsessed person’s dream – you can get a storage for anything you can imagine. We found some perfectly-fitting steel racks, put those together back at home and received our mattress the same time (the first one, but this is a different story…).

Utilizing closet space as efficient as possible

After some exhausting hours we tried out Sauce Pizzeria very close to our home and shared a delicious pie.

Rewards after hard work

The afternoon took us back to Ikea since we realized after sorting almost everything that we were still missing storage space and thus needed storage solutions! Late that day, we just got a quick salad from John’s pizza (located at the ground floor of our building) and ate that on our kitchen floor since we were still missing a table and chairs…

Learning of the day: Sometimes success from a full day of sorting and organizing is not immediately visible!

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