Celebrating Christmas time in NYC with the Nutcracker ballet

This week our paths were close to crossing. Alex was in Chicago, Franzi in Madison. After another cancelled flight on Monday, Franzi took a Tuesday morning flight to Chicago and had to drive again. This resulted in very close physical proximity between us, but no actual meeting. During the week Alex had a delicious team dinner with his team at The Dearborn to celebrate the successful completion of their project.

Team dinner in Chicago

On Thursday afternoon, Chicago called again. Franzi was giving a training here. This meant Franzi was driving by the Chicago airport while Alex was boarding his flight home to NYC there. Again close, but unfortunately not close enough for a quick meeting.

Views from the Chicago Office

On Friday, Franzi gave the training about Change Management for junior colleagues and flew back to New York in the evening. Alex went out with our NYC colleagues for happy hour. The happy hour extended into visiting an art gallery for “young and rising” artists from the New York Academy of Art and two more bar visits.

New York Academy of Arts Event

On Saturday we had Jay over for some cake and talking. He was so kind to drive us to Williamsburg on his way home where we met up with some colleagues and friends before our company holiday party.

Our Company Christmas Party

We all drove over to the Royalton to Park Avenue and spent the evening celebrating 2019. A pretty cool part of the holiday party is an auction, where colleagues auction off and buy contributions from colleagues, be it offering a weekend getaway at a Partner’s vacation home or baking a birthday cake. The collected sum is donated to a charity. This year to the Rainforest Trust, a non-profit trust dedicated to protecting lands that are vital for endangered species and indigenous communities in the tropical regions.

Excitement during the auction
Good times with colleagues and friends

The NYC Ballet – what a great experience!

On Sunday we did a classic New York Christmas thing – we watched the Nutcracker Ballet at the David H. Koch Theater. Franziska was really excited since she danced ballet for 18 years. The performance and atmosphere were mesmerizing and absolutely worth it!

Franzi in front of the Metropolitan Opera House
Really impressive – the David H. Koch Theater

We closed off the lovely day with a Pizza Dinner at Motorino and could not have been happier.

Perfect way to end the day – thin crust Pizza at Motorino
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