First day in the office!

Friday was a big day for us, the first day in the office! To get settled-in easy, our firm provided us with a full day of onboarding sessions – we go to know all the local systems, met many colleagues and were very happy to see our firm has great global standards so we felt […]

All things good in life

Friday was a happy day – or our second day of vacation after days of hard work setting up the new apartment. We started with a walk along the high line, which was already much greener than the previous time. Funnily enough, we met one of Alex’s friends from university back in Germany who was […]

Almost done!

Right before we packed together all of our stuff at the Airbnb and actually “moved” to our apartment, our new couch was delivered early in the morning. We continued sorting, cleaning and putting away stuff the whole day. For lunch we got ourselves some internet. In the US you literally buy yourself internet: You walk […]

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