Buying motorcycles

Saturday was a special day – we both bought motorcycles!!!!!! After visiting a couple of dealers, we decided to go for Triumph. So, we made our way to Williamsburg, Brooklyn and got all the paperwork done. Franzi decided on a Triumph Street Twin and Alex on a Triumph Scrambler XE 1200. The purchasing process took quite a while, so we were hungry and wanted to celebrate by the end of it.

Getting the paperwork done
Wiliamsburg views
Proud future motorcycle owner

We had lunch at the lovely Café Mogador around the corner. We clinked glasses with an Aperol Spritzer and enjoyed some Mediterranean snacks.

Lunch at Cafe Mogador

After the eventful day we spent the evening with hanging up pictures and paintings, which made our apartment even more cozy and feeling like home. On Sunday we met up with Lisa a friend of Franzis and embarked onto a little shopping tour in Soho, visited Showfields (described by themselves as the most interesting shop in the world), tried the famous Cheesecake at Eileen’s and ended the day with a visit to Strands bookstore, which is a New York institution at the Union Square. With some additions to our book collection, we went home and looked back at an exciting weekend.

At Showfields
Strolling around NYC
Eileen’s Special Cheesecake
Lisa and Franzi at Eileen’s thinking of Eileen
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