Almost done!

Right before we packed together all of our stuff at the Airbnb and actually “moved” to our apartment, our new couch was delivered early in the morning. We continued sorting, cleaning and putting away stuff the whole day. For lunch we got ourselves some internet. In the US you literally buy yourself internet: You walk […]

Moving day!

Monday was our big moving day – we went to Target (a large supermarket comparable to Real in Germany) first thing in the morning to get everything we needed for cleaning. We wanted to make sure that everything is neat and clean before welcoming our 70 (!) boxes. The moving company (and we) were very […]

New York in the 1960s

Saturday was a great day! We got a late start after having some bagels and then took a walk through SoHo along Mulberry, Elizabeth and Mott Street, which all offer gorgeous boutiques with great quality clothes, home goods and other good things, like nice custom build motorcycles parked on the street. We also checked out […]

Apartment ABC

Thursday was an admin day – we got some banking and phone related stuff done in the rainy morning and then went on to buy a pair of sneakers for Alex, who got tired of walking in his heavy Redwings leather boots. We went to our new home once again to take some measurements of […]

Our first day of vacation

Now was finally the first day we really took off and enjoyed our vacation without getting anything done. To get a relaxed start to the day we had a Bagel at Black Seed Bagel (a place similar to Tomkins Square Bagel) and then walked through the Financial district to the Staten Island Ferry. We took […]

Signing our lease!

We started off our Monday with a tasty and relaxed breakfast at MUD Cafe in the East Village. During the morning we got the great info that our application for the apartment was accepted and we can get it! We were super happy and had an appointment to sign the lease at 3:00pm.  Before, we explored the […]

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