Apartment hunt #2 – backup & confirming our decision

After we saw the gorgeous apartment in the East Village we definitely decided against the apartment in Dumbo. However, since we were not sure if we would get our favorite apartment (first the application needs to be reviewed and approved by the landlord), we asked Rosemary to do another tour of apartment hunting. We kicked off the day with a walk to Greenwich Village – on the way we met an adorable Ridgeback puppy. In general, there are so many dogs and puppies in New York, apparently 600,000 dogs inhabit New York City! 

Franzi in heaven

After a lovely breakfast at Fairfax Cafe (our second visit) we met Rosemary and got into an apartment marathon. 

We saw some nice places but nothing that could match our favorite from Saturday. We regained some energy after a meal at Chipotle in Chelsea and then used the rest of our day for sightseeing and processing all of the impressions. 

We walked around Soho (South of Houston Street), saw The Oculus (a spectacular looking mall from the outside, but boring in terms of shops), walked around Ground Zero, Tribeca, Chinatown and little Italy. In little Italy we took a break to have some ice-cream at the famous Ferrara Bakery and Cafeand strolled home afterwards. 

View on the One World Trade center from The Oculus
A short break
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