Almost done!

Right before we packed together all of our stuff at the Airbnb and actually “moved” to our apartment, our new couch was delivered early in the morning. We continued sorting, cleaning and putting away stuff the whole day. For lunch we got ourselves some internet. In the US you literally buy yourself internet: You walk into a store and walk out of it minutes later with a modem and router in hand, which works plug and play. We had lunch at Dig Inn, one of those trendy places where you can put together a healthy bowl. Definitely trendy for a reason as we really enjoyed it.

Since we had to leave most of our electronics at home due to the voltage difference (220V in Germany vs. 110V in the US) we ordered a bunch of devices on Amazon later that day: vacuum cleaner, toaster, hair dryer, etc.

Finally, Wednesday April 17th was also our first day we really felt at home for the first time since everything was 95% done. We celebrated ourselves with a cold IPA. Cheers!

Living room, dining room and kitchen
A major decision criteria when looking for apartments – a brick stone wall!
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