All things good in life

Friday was a happy day – or our second day of vacation after days of hard work setting up the new apartment. We started with a walk along the high line, which was already much greener than the previous time.

Cherry blossom
Franzi on the high line looking facing Meatpacking district
Impressions from the high line #1
Impressions from the high line #2

Funnily enough, we met one of Alex’s friends from university back in Germany who was visiting Alex’s and his friend Fabian in New York – we knew he was in the city but what a coincidence that we met by chance!

Meeting Johann accidentally on the High Line

After a quick chat where and when to meet later that day, we moved on to the Hudson Yards and were impressed by the architecture, especially the vessel was quite breathtaking (Alex thinks it looks like an enormous kebab kewer). The place was also very busy, so we got out rather quickly and decided to have another Food truck lunch at Madison Square Park.

Crowded Hudson Yards
Blue sky, glas and metal

We also went to Eataly, which is a large market hall that celebrates Italian eating culture. You can find everything typical Italian here, from homemade Pasta, over Italian Gelato to outstanding Serrano ham. This place leaves no cravings unanswered. Back at home, we decided to make our apartment even more homey and ventured out to get some plants. We found a beautiful store – Crystals Garden – two blocks from us and got great consultation to learn which plants could survive with bare amounts of water, which is essential for a consultant! We were a little shocked about the prices ($20 for a little rosemary plant), but well, that’s New York City (this excuse always works).

Then, our friends mentioned earlier came by, we had a refreshing Aperol Spritz and went to dinner at Mighty Quinn’s Barbecue. They offer brisket, pulled pork, Mac & Cheese and all things grilled!  We ended the evening with a bit of nostalgia in The 13th Step Bar – a bar that Alex and his friends visited back in the days when studying in Rhode Island. For sure not known for good drinks, but worth a visit to discover typical American sports bar culture.

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