Again time for a new roomie – George the Earl of Bowery

After refilling batteries it was back to work with one major difference. Our household grew again (part time) by one new roomie – our friend Jay´s dog George. Jay had to fly to the UK on short-notice due to his father’s passing, so we took George in. He is a Chihuahua mix and absolutely hilarious. The longer he stayed the cuter he got. Also, it was a great way to get ourselves out of the apartment regularly.

Always around – also when doing a home-workout
Overall, George is pretty low maintenance and sleeps most of the time

On the weekend, Alex went on a motorcycle trip to Kent, Connecticut with Fabian.

Taking in as much sunshine as possible
Lunch stop in Kent

Meanwhile, Franzi visited the Brooklyn museum with Priya and her boyfriend Lucas in the meantime. It was great to be able to be back in a museum after such a long time. The museum had a super interesting exhibition on Studio 54. Afterwards, Franzi and friends walked around Prospect Heights and briefly visited another friend’s birthday-get-together on the street. Sunday was a day to stroll around in Soho and cuddle George. 

The exhibition did a great job in transporting the atmosphere of Studio 54
It must have been crazy times there
Coffee break while strolling through SoHo – unfortunately more effort was put into designing the store than delivering good quality coffee

Another 4-legged encounter – meeting Waffles

The next work week was pretty unspectacular apart from a bagel-lunch break and taking George on walks. On Friday, we went over to Elena and Mark´s and finally got to meet their new family member. They just recently got a golden retriever puppy named Waffles. He was more than adorable and it was hard to concentrate on dinner with such a fluff ball around.

Quick work lunch at Tompkins Square Bagels
Baby Waffles – what a cutie
If not playing or eating, sleeping is on the program

The rest of the weekend was pretty low key, we had brunch at Mud on Saturday and we watched a movie in the evening. On Sunday, we took a motorcycle trip to get out of the city a bit and enjoy the great fall weather. In the evening, we met Marlene and Henrik in the West Village for Funk concert at Groove, which was a nice way to end the weekend.

Movie night
Lunch at Mud in the East Village
Slowly but steadily autumn was coming
Live music and some drinks – an unbeatable combination

PS: If you want to know why George’s full name is “George the Earl of Bowery”, have a look at our post from July 2019 “Jane Summer Camp

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