A relaxed and uneventful week

After a full weekend this time a rather relaxed and “normal” week. The week began with travel to Madison for Franziska and Alex was lucky enough to stay in New York. On Thursday and Friday, Franzi had a training, which is the first one of a series of training for managers in our firm. This time, the flight home worked out fine so we were off to a good start for the weekend.

On Saturday, Alex took his bike out for a little tour with Jay to Bear Mountain. Afterwards, we did some food shopping for a Sunday cooking session on the Union Square Greenmarket.

Saturday night, we went over to Brooklyn for Oleg’s birthday and spent a relaxed night with some snacks and wine.

On Sunday, we started into the day with a breakfast at Fairfax in the Greenwich village. This café has a special place in our heart since we started off our apartment hunt here when we first got to New York.

Good memories at Cafe Fairfax

We wrote some blogposts and planned some other things, before we headed out to stroll back home along Bleecker Street and finished off the weekend with a home-cooked meal.

Home cooked Rump Steak and Veggies – low Carb!
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