A normal work week garnished with picking up our motorcycles

Work week #3: Another week in Detroit for Alex, a week in Madison, Wisconsin for Franzi, which is also known as “America’s Dairyland”. Wisconsin can show off with a lot of nature and a cozy capital. Franzi had some time to enjoy the nature and city of Madison after work. There are two lakes surrounding the city, especially Lake Mendota offers lovely scenery and a young atmosphere.

The Wisconsin State Capitol at night already looks beautiful…
…but even nicer during daylight
Lake Mendota
Recharging batteries at lake Mendota

Getting back to New York was not so easy. After a 2-3 hours flight delay for both of us, Thursday was over once we got back home.

Friday was a very special day – we got to pick up our motorcycles!

Franzi and her first motorcycle – a 2019 Triumph Street Twin
Alex new Triumph Scrambler 1200 XE – tall!!!

Unfortunately, the entire experience at Triumph Brooklyn – a Triumph flagship store – was not too pleasant. After being ignored for almost one hour, we got a very short introduction to our new bikes and set off back home after making a short stop on a calm road near the East River so that Franzi could get familiar with her new and first own motorcycle ever.

For Alex the ride back home did not go that well. Right after taking off all warning lights came on. It was too late to go back to Triumph, but a friendly employee who gave us his private number to arrange a joint ride one day, told Alex to continue his ride and come back the next day.

Disco Disco – bright flashing lights everywhere

Back in the East Village we tugged away the bikes in our garage and had a celebratory dinner at Frank. Especially Alex needed a wine and some homemade pasta to forget about the warning lights on his new bike! We can really recommend the Penna alla Vodka, the Rigatoni al Ragu and the Burrata.

Only three blocks from our apartment we found a great motorcycle garage

Luckily the guys from Triumph took the shot for their Instagram account before the hassle with Alex bike began…

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