Accomplishing goals – 10k run

During this week we were mainly busy with work, Franziska in Madison and Alex in New York. On Friday in New York we used our lunch break to pick up bibs for our upcoming run. We registered for a 10K run on Governor’s Island about 9 weeks ago and have been training 3-5 times per week ever since. To be fully prepared, we had a healthy meal at home and went to bed early Friday night. On Saturday, we got up early and took the bus down to the Ferry Terminal at 6am. We waited in line for a bit before getting onto a ferry organized for runners only. Once we arrived, we dropped our bags, warmed up in the sun and stretched for a bit. The run started at 9 AM, so we were off to run two rounds around the island. Participants could either join a 5K or 10K race.

Waiting in line to get on the ferry
Running for the good cause to support the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation

Governor’s Island is a 172 acres island in the middle of the New York Harbor with a lengthy military history, it is recognized as the birthplace of New York state. Alex completed the run in a whopping 52:02 and Franzi came in at 60:18. After completing this goal, we enjoyed our accomplishment in the sun and had a little healthy snack. Before leaving, we informed ourselves about testicular cancer, which the event was raising money for. We even met the father of Sean Kimerling, who was representing the Sean Kimerling Testicular Cancer Foundation, which was very impactful for us.

Arrival at Governors Island
1 hour later, exhausted and happy!
Boarding the ferry back home

Once the ferry brought us back to Manhattan we had a good late breakfast at Veselka consisting of Omelet and Pancakes. Around noon, we took our motorbikes out to drive to Union Garage in Brooklyn and find a new helmet for Franzi. We found a great model from Shoei, which is a lot lighter (and cooler) than her previous helmet causing less stress while riding. Back in our apartment, we spontaneously decided to get a massage in China Town, so we took a walk to Wu Lim and enjoyed an hour of pain and relaxation.

Franzi and her brand new Shoei helmet – riding in style

On our walk home we stopped for some Thai food and ended the day happy, healthy and full. On Sunday our paths split for the morning – Franzi went off for Brunch with two colleagues at Loring Place and Alex met up with Jay for a motorcycle tour to Bear Mountain. The food at Loring Place was delicious and it had a nice vibe, definitely a recommendation for a good Sunday brunch! On top of Bear Mountain, Alex & Jay were lucky and could see the skyline of Manhattan from afar, which only happens when the sky is crystal clear.

Riding through the woods
Lake Tiorati
NYC Skyline view from Bear Mountain

After we re-joined in the afternoon, we got ready for the evening and went over to Jay’s place to Williamsburg. He had some friends over for a BBQ and some drinks on the roof. We had a great evening and met some great new people! The bad news: Jay’s dog George is still not too fond of Franzi, but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that she’ll accept her into the circle during the next visit.

George observing Franzi from safe distance
Drinks and friends at Jay’s
A beautiful NYC summer sunset
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